Educational insights
Educational insights

educational insights

Do political events in host countries affect international education engagement? (2017) keynote address for the Australian International Education Conference Association, commissioned by the International Education Association for Australian and IDP political_events_in_host_countries_affect_international_education_engagement_Dr_Janet_Ilieva_AIEC2017.pdf.(2018), Five little-known facts about international student mobility to the UK (2018) report for UUKi, With Universities UK International (2019), The state of the relationships: mapping the UK higher education engagement with Colombia.With Universities UK International (2019) The state the relationships: mapping the UK higher education engagement with Brazil.The Shape of Global Higher Education (Volume 1 and 2) (2017), report for the British Council Ilieva, J., Peak, M., Killingley, P.Killingley (2017), HIGHER EDUCATION ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND AND CHINA: EVIDENCE AND STRATEGY TO 2020 (2017), report for Enterprise Ireland to inform their strategy in China. and UUKi (2017), State of the relationship: UK higher education engagement with the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (2017) report for UUKi Taylor (2018), Together for Impact: A decade of UK-India partnership (2018), report for UK Research and Innovation Killingley (2019), The Shape Of Global Higher Education: International Comparisons With Europe” With Gill Roe (2020), IRISH HIGHER EDUCATION ENGAGEMENT IN MALAYSIA, VIETNAM AND INDONESIA, report for Enterprise Ireland (forthcoming).

educational insights

The analytical summary findings are available at ’t-we-second.aspx With Joana Westphal and Stephanie Harris (2020), “International student recruitment: Why aren’t we second?”, Publication for Universities UK International (2020).National policies and strategies for international education engagement

Educational insights